- 4 creatine blend designed to maximize creatine uptake.
- Creatine alpha-ketoglutarate to increase peak power.
- B-vitamins to help with energy utilization and transport.
- Astragalus & ginseng to aid in creatine absorption.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Should I stop taking creatine if I’m trying to lose weight and get leaner?
No, you should keep taking creatine when trying to get leaner. Creatine helps you look leaner as it helps drive water into your muscles. By doing this, it also reduces the amount of water under your skin. Creatine also increases your training output, so you can lift more weight, which in turn helps increase your energy expenditure.
I get stomach cramping after taking this product. Is there any way to fix this?
Stomach cramping may occur due to lack of water. Creatine must be consumed with an adequate amount of water to dilute it, otherwise you may experience cramping and/or bloating. Around 2 cups or 500 mL water should be enough for the 5 capsule serving.
Do I need to take creatine with a carbohydrate?
You do not need to take it with a carbohydrate, however, taking creatine with a protein shake, or alongside a carbohydrate containing smoothie may help the absorption.
I’m already taking Limitless, which has creatine, so do I need to be taking Big C?
If you’re taking Limitless, then you’re only taking creatine on training days. We recommend that you take Big C on non-training days as creatine must be taken daily in order to saturate phosphocreatine stores.